Stop struggling. 

Start thriving.


The inner voice of struggles with food will try to isolate you. It might tell you you’re alone, or unworthy. But that’s a lie!

The first step to confidence, peace, and a new kind of strength, is to reject that lie and invest energy where it’s going to count! Learn about the 8 steps I took to beat struggles with food for good with this FREE DOWNLOAD...

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Do you struggle with...


1. Loss of control.

Overwhelming urges that sabotage your best intentions with food.

2. Guilt

Shame and regret surrounding your food choices.

3. Exhaustion

Thoughts about food dominate your life, draining your energy and focus.

How I help my clients thrive:


Navigate difficult situations and feelings without leaning on food or other avoidant coping strategies. 

Stress management

Develope practices and skills that help you manage stress in ways you’re proud of.

Evidence Based Fitness

Create a rewarding relationship with food and exercise that genuinely serves you.


A coach who understands the journey and is ready to help you stay on track.

Hi, I'm Marcus 


I struggled with binge eating, compulsive exercise, and body image for 15 years.

All of that ended in 2018. Drawing on research from leading experts in binge eating, stress management, strength & conditioning, and my own 10 year career in the fitness industry, I repaired my own relationship with food and created Strong Not Starving.

Now I'm here to help others leave binge eating in the past, for good!

Book a call

Listen to the SNS Podcast

"...topics that are not often discussed, and swept under the carpet. 
A must if any of these issues resonate with you. Learn new coping mechanisms and tools to be the best version of yourself." 
- Christian Mealing, SNS listener.
Check it out

Take back your peace around food:


Put aside all the conflicting information you’ve heard and explore the eight key principles that transformed my relationship with food for good with this free download!

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